Code: metatumble01
Jet is a mineraloid of organic origin derived from decaying wood under
extreme pressure a.k.a. fossilized coal. It is considered to be a good stone
for alleviating and bringing grief to the surface to be healed. It is a
powerful protection stone that has been used to ward off evil, negativity,
depression and psychic attacks. Fantastic stone for increasing self-
reliance. Associated with the Root Chakra.
Approx. 25mm in size
Price - $3.60 each
Code: metatumble02
calming and soothing. It teaches you to value mistakes
as well as successes. A stone of purity, Snowflake Obsidian provides balance
for body, mind and spirit. It helps you recognise and release “wrong
thinking” and stressful mental patterns.
Balance during changes. Root Chakra.
Approx. 20-25mm in size
Price - $1.50 each
Code: metatumble03
The Magician’s Stone
Stone of tremendous grounding.
Protective against negative energies. The oldest mineral on Earth, formed
over three billion years ago from volcanic origins. Stone of personal magic,
increasing the frequency of synchronicities and luck, clairvoyance and
Root chakra.
Approx. 25mm in size
Price - $10.00 each
Code: metatumble04
“aka Inca Jade “
Is said to help to connect one’s energy to Mother Earth. It
is a great stone for healing, inner clarity, strength, stability and
unconditional love. Known as a stone of the Divine Feminine, t helps to
connect both men and women to the frequencies of the strength of yielding.
Approx. 30mm in size
Price - $8.60 each
Code: metatumble05
Creates a buffer around the aura, protecting and
shielding the physical body. Helps promote clarity of thought and mind.
Absorbs negative energies and needs washing frequently. Helps in balancing
the emotions and brings into focus a sense of self- awareness that allows
the re-adjustments of out-grown thinking patterns. Breaks down barriers
within the psyche and can bring to the surface hidden emotions to be dealt
with once and for all. Works on the solar plexus and base chakra.
Approx. 27mm in size
Price - $4.00 each
Code: metatumble06
Tiger’s eye family.
Protects against the evil eye. Used it for insight. Brings clear thinking
and insight. Used to focus the mind. It will cause the mind to have feeling
of oneness and feel more direct in all thoughts. It makes one aware of one's
own needs related to the needs of others.
Solar Plexus charka.
Approx. 20mm in size
Price - $1.90 each
Code: metatumble07
is also known as Basalt.
Basalt is a stone of strength and courage, it allows one the opportunity for
stability throughout changes in their life. If you are going through a lot
of shifts in your life then basalt would be a helpful stone for you. Basalt
helps to diminish the negative aspects of one’s character and allow us one
to see where modification of your character can be helpful. Root Chakra
Approx. 20mm in size
Price - $2.00 each
Code: metatumble08
Labradorite is a stone of transformation.
It is said to clear, balance and protect the aura. It has been used to
provide clarity and insight into one’s destiny as well as attract success
along the way. Helps to reduce stress and anxiety.
Solar Plexus and Brow Chakras.
Approx. 25mm in size
Price - $8.00 each
Code: metatumble09
Good luck stone.
Grounding & stabilizing stone.
Calm & centering.
Lifts depression, enhances practicality, & generally removes negative
energies, bringing happiness. Assists in tapping subconscious wisdom.
Root chakra.
Approx. 25mm in size
Price - $3.60 each
Code: metatumble10
It is said to assist with introspection and self-discovery.
It can give a wider viewpoint of the world. It is to also bring plentiful
crops and prosperity, including an abundance of love. Dendrite Agate is said
to be a stone that brings good fortune. Associated with the Heart Chakra
Approx. 25mm in size
Price - $2.80 each
Code: metatumble11
This stone consists of pyrite & chalcopyrite.
Excellent stone for protection and grounding. Enhances intellect, mental
stability, logic, analysis, creativity, memory, & psychic development.
Excellent stone to use for meditation as it helps to achieve and maintain a
state of no mind.
Crown Chakra.
Approx. 10-15mm in size
Price - $1.50 each
Code: metatumble13
Agate is a good protective energy stone for children and adults alike. It
has calming and soothing properties and is said to be the stone of harmony.
Agates are known to enhance creativity, stimulate the intellect, and ground
the emotions. Works with chakras according to stone colour.
Approx. 30mm in size
Price - $1.80 each
Code: metatumble14
Ocean Jasper is a very soothing and protective stone that
helps one to love one’s self as well as others. It aides with healing the
emotions and brings peace of mind by helping to increase patience. It also
helps to encourage a feeling of joy and elevated spirits. Associated with
the Heart and Solar Plexus chakras.
Approx. 20mm in size
Price - $3.60 each
Code: metatumble15
Wood jasper helps create harmony, proportion, creative
visualization, positive things in business pursuits. It brings and shows
hidden messages from the past as well as hidden thoughts, fears, and hopes.
These qualities make it useful in crystal healing as an
emotional/psychological healing stone. Third Eye Chakra.
Approx. 30mm in size
Price - $1.90 each
Code: metatumble16
This stone is said to help with unconventional and exciting
ways to reach goals. It supports issues relating to self-awareness and
self-love. Feldspar assists in finding misplaced items and is a stone of
creativity and astral travel.
Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras.
Approx. 30mm in size
Price - $9.80 each
Code: metatumble17
Stone of gentleness & relaxation. Enhances one’s ability to
relax & brings tranquility, comforting, wholeness, healing, & gentle
endings. Called the nurturing stone for its nurturing & protective energies.
Balances yin/yang energies. Root, Sacral, Throat & 3rd eye chakras based on
Approx. 35mm in size
Price - $2.80 each
Code: metatumble19
Combination of Golden Brown Tiger Eye, Hematite, & Red
Jasper. Readers & Healers should keep a piece of Tiger Iron close to remain
grounded, balanced & centered during a session. Promotes physical vitality,
energy, & stamina. Use for creative solutions & ideas. Full of grounding
Earth energy, Helps to find courage & refuge in times of danger. Promotes a
deeper connection to the Earth & her cycles. Root Chakra.
Approx. 30mm in size
Price - $3.20 each
Code: metatumble20
Stone of romantic love & passion. Brings positive thoughts &
boosts energy.
Excellent for manifestation.
Assists mystically with success in one’s career & building one’s
Brings inner strength.
Stone of health.
Root chakra, also heart chakra.
Approx. 15mm in size
Price - $1.20 each
Code: metatumble21
Stone of creativity, individuality and courage.
Protection energies.
Aids memory, including recall of past lives. Helps ease or remove sorrows.
It also helps stabilize energies in the home. Root and sacral chakras.
Approx. 15mm in size
Price - $1.50 each
Code: metatumble22
Agate is a good protective energy stone for children and
adults alike. It has calming and soothing properties and is said to be the
stone of harmony. Agates are known to enhance creativity, stimulate the
intellect, and ground the emotions. Works with chakras according to stone
Approx. 25-30mm in size
Price - $4.40 each
Code: metatumble23
Known as a success stone. Promotes success & abundance,
especially in business & commerce.
Enhances mental clarity, confidence, happiness & will power.
It is a good general protection stone and clears negative energies from the
Solar plexus chakra.
Approx. 10mm in size
Price - .60 each
Code: metatumble24
Citrine is the stone of abundance, success,
personal power, good fortune.
Cacoxenite is the Stone of Ascension. It helps to expand consciousness and
aligns the third chakra with the divine.
Assists in emotional upheaval and cleanses the individual of negative
Associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra.
Approx. 30mm in size
Price - $4.50 each
Code: metatumble25
Purported to enhance mental and physical stability,
self-reliance, and meditation on feminine ideas.
It is reputed by intuitives and folklore to diminish fears, depression and
issues with decision making.
Associated with the solar plexus chakra.
Approx. 20-30mm in size
Price - $4.40 each
Code: metatumble26
Aka “Stone of the heart”. It is also known to be the stone of
fidelity, generosity and abundance. Jade is said to be good for the physical
heart, emotional balance and stability. It is used in crystal healing for
increasing self-reliance and healing the emotional heart from sorrow. Heart
Approx. 20-25mm in size
Price - $4.80 each
Code: metatumble28
Stone of life force & love force. Connects Spirit, Mind &
Has a strong life force connect to the Kundalini energy.
Eudialyte is an excellent stone for those who seek to receive & express more
love & acceptance.
Root chakra & the heart chakra.
Approx. 20-30mm in size
Price - $10.00 each
Code: metatumble30
Chalcedony gently relieves depression and helps to improve
one’s frame of mind. It has the energies of clear quartz and is often used
to lessen hostility and bring emotional stability. Related to the chakras by
color, and can help stabilize all chakras.
Approx. 20-25mm in size
Price - $5.60 each
Code: metatumble31
Has electric conductivity properties.
One of the uses is shielding from
EMF electromagnetic radiation, like
TV’s, cellphones, microwaves etc.
Used for purification of water for
drinking or bathing. Shungite grounds
spiritual energy to the Earth existence.
Allows positive energy & rejects negative. Root Chakra.
Approx. 30mm in size
Price - $5.50 each
Code: metatumble32
Black Obsidian is a powerful cleanser of psychic smog created
within your aura, and is a strong psychic protections stone. It has been
said to dispel negativity, good for grounding, healing and protection. Helps
one to clearly one’s flaws and what is necessary to change. Root chakra.
Approx. 25mm in size
Price - $3.00 each
Code: metatumble33
Calcite is a protecting, grounding and centering stone.
Increases and amplifies energy as well as bringing inner peace.
It is also an excellent stone for healing and purifying, promoting
creativity and imagination. Calcite has been said to increase prosperity. It
is a stone of spirituality and wisdom, calcite is probably the premier
cleanser of stored negative energies. Balances all Chakras
Approx. 20mm in size
Price - $4.00each
Code: metatumble35
Mookite is the stone of the "here and now."
Helps balance the internal and external as well as acceptance of change. It
is a very protective stone and is great stabilizing health and fortifies the
immune system.
It is associated with the lower chakras.
Approx. 20-35mm in size
Price - $4.99 each